A year of "practicing" later and I approached my annual "physical". Since my regular doctor was out on vacation, I saw one of his partners who upon reading my pre-visit paperwork asked the question that has plagued me for years. "You don't take birth-control?!?" "No." "DO YOU WANT TO GET PREGNANT?!?!" -This question is always asked with some bewilderment as though I don't realize that NO BIRTH CONTROL could mean a BABY! I answered something to the effect of, "That would be nice", which was responded by a "How long have you been 'not preventing'". After I told her that it had been roughly a year, I was met with those sad eyes and informed that "after a year of unprotected sex you are deemed INFERTILE" but not to worry because "you are young" (I should note that I am a mature 21 at this point) and we could try some medications to "get things moving"...thus began my experience as the human pin cushion...
I should insert here that in all equality, I was not the only one who had tests. My husband also endured the basic man-test...to try to keep my marriage together, I will spare you (and him) with the details. Let's just leave it at "he checked out" and we'll go from there...
My first test was a simple blood test which confirmed that I had hypothyroidism. I began taking the synthetic hormone to offset my thyroids inefficient creation of that hormone. Did I mention that I stink at taking pills? But in this instance I had a goal...BABY, so I was diligent. After a few months and no baby, we took it up a notch.
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