Friday, June 1, 2012

Mommy Wars

I might be behind on this, but it seems like a topic that should be addressed. We have all seen the Time Magazine cover, if must not have the same 'mom-friends' that I do. ;) I feel like its important to talk about this as an infertile woman and as a Foster/Adoptive mother.
You see, the day this launched I saw it spring up on SEVERAL of my friend's facebook pages and the discussion ranged from, "Why would you breast-feed a child who will remember it later?" to "Why are we judging this mom's choices." I want to pose another question, "Why are we judging any mom's choices?" Our only questions should be, "Is she hurting her child?" "Are they fed?" "Are they clothed?" And "Are they kept warm at night?"
As an infertile woman, I have never carried a baby in my womb. I have never breast-fed a child, I may never have that chance. I don't co-sleep, I do have a cradle in my bedroom for infants who I foster or do respite for, but my bed is sacred. My son HATED the Ergo, and sobbed every time I tried to put him in it (he was nearly two when he came to us forever). You see, "my babies" came to us at various stages of development, and with various traumas (some more than others). Does my inability to do these things lessen my ability to mother? NO.
What an article like this does to many women is make us feel inferior. Ten years ago, I would've looked at this picture and thought to myself, "I am a failure". I will never be able to do "those" things. My child will not attach to me like "theirs" do. Today I look to this photo and think to myself, "To each her own". We are all doing what we can. I think as women we need to stop comparing, stop complaining, and start supporting and listening. We have so much to offer each other, don't let the media come between us.
While I do not want to launch into a debate on whether or not to use attachment parenting in raising your babies, current or future, I do want to share another link. Kristen Howerton posted a response in the Huffington Post as a response to the EXPLOSION of posts, comments, and media coverage on this cover photo.  I personally can't agree with her more. Let's end the "War" on Mommies who are doing what is best, and instead FIGHT for children locally and globally who hang in limbo.

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