Sunday, August 25, 2013


Okay, first of all FORGIVE ME! I have been away, well really I have been home and without internet. To say the least the past year has been a year of changes and (I believe) it is about to settle down, or speed up. I HAVE A KINDERGARTNER! Never thought I would be here...seriously, at one point, NEVER. 
But this isn't the purpose of my post. I am here to rant. See, I pin and I facebook (doesn't everyone?). With my facebooking and pinning I follow some adoption, infertility, and parenting stuff. Did you know that facebook follows you? Seriously, post something about bunnies. All of a sudden you'll have ads referring to BUNNIES in your newsfeed. Go ahead, I'll wait while you do this. Back? Okay. I post about being a mom, occasionally about being an adoptive mom, and sometimes about being infertile. Its no secret, I talk about it. This helps me heal and deal. 
Tonight (just less than five minutes ago) while checking my newsfeed I saw an ad talking about how this one woman "healed" herself of infertility and "you can too!" Umm? Excuse me? A one-size-fits-all answer. Okay, I scanned it and the author claims her holistic approach will help you conceive in two months or less. Okay...So you are going to tell me to care for my body and my tubes, which are riddled with scar tissue from an appendectomy are going to magically "open up"? Yeah, I am skeptical. 
I am not going to say it doesn't work, honestly I just scanned it. But I am a touch doubtful. I have tried holistic. I did accupuncture, and am thinking of doing it again. If not for the benefits of pregnancy, for the benefits of relaxation. (Did I ever tell you about the time I left the accupuncture office and ended up at the grocery store unsure how I got there???) AMAZING. 
I guess what I am tired of (and maybe this person isn't doing this, maybe it really works) is people taking advantage of those of us who are hurting. Giving false reassurances. The televangelist asking for money to pray for and heal you. The diet pill that will make you look like a super model. Maybe I am cynical, but I just.don' 
Yes I pray. I beg for another child. But in the next breath I am thankful for the beautiful son we have. I recognize that even if he is our ONLY, he has an amazing extended family of cousins to grow up with. I want a baby, I still take prenatals. I pin baby-related items. I have a board for "if we have a little girl". I track my ovulation. And in a future post (I promise soon) I will tell you about our most recent attempt at having a baby. I just don't want empty promises. Like I said, I've not researched it, but it smells of "snake oil". Maybe my lesson is to research better but like I said, I am tired of "quick fixes".