Friday, February 24, 2012

A New Perspective, A Second Third Opinion...

Within a matter of two short weeks later, I walked into my small local women's clinic to meet with the doctor that I was referred to. Still over the moon with excitement, I read a parenting magazine in the waiting room, which I normally avoided like the plague. I stumbled upon a reusable Ovulation test kit that helped you diagnose the consistency of your mucus (sorry, none of any of this is pretty). This kit was really exciting to me, I thought for sure it could help me! I was going to share it with Dr. *******! Surely if ***** was right this Dr. would be just as interested in us getting pregnant as she was. Right?
Wrong. Dr. ******* walked in with my chart, a stern look on his face as he reviewed it. He shared that my thyroid levels were normal, asked the "usual" questions, and then dropped the verbal bomb. "It says here that you've been trying to conceive for four years?" (umm, yeah.) "No pregnancies?" (umm, no) "Why don't you just give up and adopt?" EXCUSE ME? "I can't believe ***** didn't suggest this to you. You should just give up and adopt."
Can you see my 24 year old jaw hitting the floor? I proceeded to ask about the proceedure **** had recommended, and was shot down with "its too expensive, just adopt". I showed him the item I was looking at...he blew it off as it won't work. He then excused himself and me, leaving me stunned and silent in the room alone.
My next steps are a blur. I remember making it to my truck, and bursting into tears. I sat in the parking lot sobbing...I couldn't believe that THIS was the doctor with the best bedside manner at that clinic. I was crushed, and spent the rest of the day crying. I cried on the phone while talking to my husband. I drove to work, sobbing. I spent the whole rest of the day wearing sunglasses to hide my puffy eyes.
I never did return to that clinic. To this day I won't go. A doctor dealing with women SHOULD have more tact than that.


  1. That is horrible. It belongs on Just awful. I am so sorry. I am stunned at the horribleness.

  2. Holy crap, I can't believe a doctor would say that to any patient trying to conceive. There are so may options, what would possess them to instantly say that you should give up? Ugh!

  3. He was correct that we should adopt, however his delivery of that message was cold, impersonal, and insensitive. He also had NO RIGHT to assume my financial abilities or insurance limitations on diagnosis.
    Thank you Ladies for your support, sharing, and reading of my blog. I am humbled daily by you all and your stories.
