Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Myth

I know some of you are looking at this Blog's title thinking..."This girl didn't pass health class or anatomy!" Let me assure you, I DID PASS. I am aware that this is not truth, but for the many women and men who dream of having a family, whose desire is to feel a life that they shared in the creation of within their own body or their partner's, this is TRUTH.
I am that woman. Not too long ago this statement was shared with me by my husband and when I was considering the title of this blog, it fit. My husband and I tried to have kids "the old fashioned way" for years, as far as doctors are concerned since we use no preventative measures now, we are still trying (I know TMI). However there is a point when "The Pregnancy Myth" becomes reality in your heart.
Heading back to our original conversation, it happened out of the blue. We were driving home, I couldn't even remember where from, and he looked at me saying, "Pregnancy is a myth. Its like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, it just isn't real." We continued our conversation about how we knew that it was real for others, our siblings, friends, and shoot even those that we might think shouldn't have kids, but for us it is something that we will (most likely) never experience. That conversation is one that I will never forget, not because my heart was that happened long before this point, when I left an unsympathetic Doctor's office (more on that story later), but because it was the truth. For the first time we were able to put words and a description to what we were feeling. In a weird way, that conversation opened our eyes up to each other and our souls.
Pregnancy is Just a Myth, this blog is where I will be posting (hopefully somewhat regularly) our story thus far. Our tears, and our joys. I will post some hurtful things said to us, and things that have encouraged us. Honestly, this will not be a feel good blog. If you haven't been on this journey it may make you uncomfortable. I am still going to encourage you to follow, because for a friend, relative, or an acquaintance pregnancy maybe a myth and my experiences may help you in understanding them. My hope is that through this we can learn together how to love more, listen more, and understand each other.


  1. I LOVE THIS! I know it's not easy to share these sorts of things, but please know that others need to hear your story. The encouragement and wisdom you share, will truly make a difference. :)

    Thank you for willingly sharing your heart. You will be blessed!

  2. Karen - I will never forget our chat by the pool, and do think about it often. You and Liam are always in my thoughts, and I am so happy for the little man you have been able to welcome into your life. Thank you for your courage to share! This could help so MANY women!

  3. Wow Karen, I am so proud of you for starting this blog. I have some friends that could not get pregnant on their own and used artificial insemination(sp?). They did eventually get pregnant after years and years of trying without and with medical intervention. They have let us in on their heartbreaking journey, it was really expensive and emotionally and spiritually exhausting. I know this blog will help so many people in similar journeys as you have been on. My heart breaks for you that you have not been able to get pregnant. But my heart is blessed by you and proud of you for using your story to bless others. I believe God uses us the best through our most painful experiences.

  4. Thank you all for your support. Please feel free to share with others. I am not helping anyone by keeping this to myself...I must break the silence.

  5. Thank you Karen. It takes courage to post about this, to open up feelings that so many people would rather not acknowledge. Nay your blog open eyes to the hurt infertility causes, emotionally but also physically. We tried for 7 years. Finally did a round of Clomide and got pregnant, only to lose our daughter at 22 weeks as you know. A second loss 9 months later only compounded the pain. By the grace of God we got our miracle, but the infertility haunts me still. (((hugs))) Love, Tonya

  6. Thank you Tonya. It is definitely one of the more difficult things that anyone can face. I am often amazed at how many women, men, and couples are facing it in silence.

  7. Thank you for doing this. I have not experienced infertility, but have several loved ones who have. I appreciate your encouragement of those who are traveling a similar journey and your willingness to help those of us who haven't to begin to understand.

    1. Thank you for taking time to read. I wish that I had been more open about this with friends of mine a decade ago when we began this journey. Simply by being there and listening, those are the two most important things.
