Monday, April 9, 2012

Dyed Like and Easter Egg

After taking time to READ MY INSURANCE, see previous post, I called my Practitioner and ask for a referral. Remember, this is the same Practitioner who was so sympathetic to my whole ordeal. She happily gave me both the referral and the phone number of a Fertility Doctor somewhat (within two hours) local to me. Within a few weeks I was sitting in front of her having a consult. She asked all the same questions about health history. She went deep into questions about my appendectomy that I had had as a child. She asked about family history. Finally she scheduled a Hysterosalpingogram (remember the dye test referred to before?) for me.
A short few weeks after the initial appointment I was in an imaging center wearing nothing but a hospital gown waiting for this magic test. My waiting room was no larger than a shower stall with a bench and a curtain for privacy. Here I sat until a tech would come for me.
I was then whisked into an area that resembles the platform from "Mars Needs Moms", okay not that bad nor was it a glass room, but you know the space where you believe that alien "probing" could go on. As I am laying on a cold stainless steel table, with a sheet or two for "warmth". She is prepping at my opposite end (sorry, no other way to describe it). I had been warned that I would feel a cold sensation after the dye was injected and after a few minutes of what I thought was prep, she told me she was done and to go get dressed. No cold sensation. No, "hey we're ready to go". She simply did the test without me knowing it had happened. Don't get me wrong, I have no bitterness. I was just shocked.
I asked what she saw, and was shown the x-rays. My uterus had filled with fluid (BLACK on screen) and it stopped. No fluid had made it into my tubes. She explained what I saw, and that it meant that I have no eggs making it to my uterus to implant and no semen making it to my eggs to fertilize. She also told me that I have one of the "best surgeons in Oregon" as a fertility specialist.
Now, I know what you are thinking...some of you are heart-broken for me, and maybe I would have been too...except you have to understand that after 7 years of not preventing this was an answer. I was elated! My joy was shared by my husband...but a lot of people were saddened by this realization. This moment (and many others) has reminded me that I am pretty numb when it comes to my fertility. What I know, and have experienced is unique to those fighting this battle. It is something that makes sense to those of us who are "infertile".

1 comment:

  1. I missed this post...not sure how that happened.

    Again, I love your honesty. And truthfully, I thought I was the only one who was excited for answers, even if it meant that conceiving might not happen. Thank you for allowing me to see that there are others who understand the "odd" response. ;)
