Sunday, February 19, 2012

A New Perspective, A Second Opinion...

After a few years of life in the Seattle area, my husband and I chose to move closer to "home". We had both grown up in small towns and wanted the same for our future children. We quickly settled into our surroundings, and I was reminded that I hadn't seen a doctor for my "physical" in some time (I am thinking close to two years?). I spoke with some local women ( else do you pick a doctor?), who referred me to a women's clinic in my area. Scheduled my appointment, and walked in the door on the day of my visit.
Initially I was SHOCKED. It all went down as normal...weight (shudder), height (shorter), blood pressure (normal), and a health questionnaire, but when it came time for the nurse to leave, she neglected to give me a robe. I questioned this fact, and was told that ""****" likes prefers to talk to you with your clothes on before getting down to business." So odd, I was used to being in and out of my Dr's appointments in under 20 minutes, and now we are going to TALK?
In a few minutes "****" walks in and introduces herself. She pulls out the health questionnaire and begins "the talk". Something to the affect of "I see you aren't on birth control...Do you WANT to get pregnant?" I respond with something snide like, "THAT WOULD BE NICE!" This time I am not met with sad eyes, but by a feisty little pixie who asks "How long" we've been "not preventing".
After I answer her questions she replies with some options. We could have a dye test done to track my fallopian tubes for blockages, which often get cleared during the test, or we could look at my Thyroid levels again. Needless to say, I have a new doctor who is optimistic and willing to look at getting me "knocked up" (her words) or at least getting me answers. I am on cloud nine. I remember leaving her office after my exam laughing (that has never happened before) and elated. I schedule a blood draw and a follow up appointment with one of her co-workers, who is a Dr. (she is a Licensed Nurse Practitioner/Midwife) and can prescribe my Thyroid meds if need be...

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