Thursday, February 9, 2012

Beauty from Ashes

You know, I am finding that while I am able to laugh at myself I am not sharing with you the beautiful side of my life. I am so blessed. I have been married to this wonderful man for 12 years. During the pain and the trials of this all, he has stayed beside me. At one low point I offered for him to leave me for a woman who was not broken and his response was that I was perfect for him.
He has always treated me like a princess and from day one has referred to me as his Princess. He has given me the ability to love myself regardless of what my body does or doesn't do. He is by my side even in my lowest points.
During these first few years, he supported me through career changes. He bought a house, because I wanted it. He took me on some of the most memorable camping trips (remember we're broke young kids) to Osoyoos in No. Eastern Washington and to a remote camping site (we're talking drive until you run out of pavement, turn off onto the dirt road, and drive 10 more miles) near Roslyn, WA.
He also supported me in the adoption of a fur-baby named Bernard. This was our third adopted dog, and finally the one that fit us forever (we had just over 9 years with him before he passed this last fall). What a joy to always have that face looking up at me.
As you can see, even through all the grief and drama of trying to conceive, I was truly blessed. I can't imagine having any other man stand beside me. No other human being understood me. Honestly I believe that no one would've tolerated me like he did. The good memories are there, and in time they overshadow the dark days...I promise.

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